How do I create a dashboard to display yesterday's cases
The main use of this is to be able to export cases created on the previous day for audit purposes.
Perfom the following steps in your Jadu Connect system.
Step 1: Create a new choice field and name it 'Ready for export' with the values Yes and No.
Step 2: Create a new date field called 'Tomorrow'.
Step 3: Create a new date field called 'Day After Tomorrow'.
Step 4: Add the above created fields to your 'New' form in your workflow.
Step 5: Create a new case date called 'Tomorrow' and base it off the Tomorrow date field.
Step 6: Create a new case date called 'Day after Tomorrow' and base it off Day after Tomorrow date field.
Step 7: Create a new rule in your workflow that looks like this:
when event case created
then recalculate date “tomorrow”
and then recalculate date "day after tomorrow"
Step 8: Create another rule in your workflow that looks like this:
when date “tomorrow”
then set case value "ready for export” to yes
Perform the following steps in your Jadu Central system:
Step 1: Create a predefined logic that returns the current date
Step 2: Create a predefined logic that returns tomorrow's date
Step 3: Create a predefined logic that returns day after tomorrow.
Step 4: Map the tomorrow and day after tomorrow dates to the corresponding fields in Jadu Connect.
Step 5: Final step is to add the 'Ready to export' as a filter on the dashboard. This will then return all of yesterday's case which are ready to be exported.