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20.1.1 migration note

· 2 min read
Sarah Backhouse

Jadu CMS 20.1.1 fixes an issue introduced in Jadu CMS 20.0.0, where:

  • when a directory record included a HTML field,
  • if the HTML field was empty when the record was edited,
  • and the HTML control wasn’t opened before saving the record,
  • then the record would be saved with space characters associated with the HTML field.

As part of our fix for this issue, we wish to remove any broken data that may have been introduced to your database.

This will require us to run a database migration, Version20210601121027, that removes the space character records. This will affect records that match the “Data before” pattern in the following way:

Data beforeData after
" \r\n"""

Given the nature of this migration, we will not be able to detect places in your data where the space characters have been removed. In the case of the Jadu CMS 20.1.1 patch being rolled back, the space character data will not be reinserted into your database.

While we expect that there will be very limited data that matches this pattern, and that any data that matches this pattern will be as a result of the bug introduced in Jadu CMS 20.0.0, we want to make you aware of this action in advance of it being applied to your data.