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Update to supported platform

· 4 min read
Sarah Backhouse

From August 2021, Jadu CMS and Jadu XFP will support:

  • PHP 7.4
  • SQL Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2019
  • MariaDB 10.5

Support for older software versions, which no longer receive security updates, will be discontinued. As a result, Jadu CMS and Jadu XFP will deprecate support for:

  • PHP 7.1
  • SQL Server 2012 SP2
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • CentOS 6.x
  • Redhat 6.x

Also, support for the mail transport protocol will be removed entirely in the next major CMS release (22.0.0), in favour of using SMTP.

Why the change?

Software versions that no longer receive updates from their developers can be vulnerable to compromised security. We want to provide you with the highest level of security support, and therefore recommend you upgrade your system to utilise our updated platform.

What do I need to do?

If you have any PHP code on your website that’s not provided by Jadu, you will need to ensure its compatibility prior to upgrading.

To upgrade, you don’t need to do anything if you’re hosted by Jadu Creative as you'll be upgraded as part of your platform management agreement; our team will be in touch in due course.


  • Ensure that you have upgraded to CMS 20.0.0+ and XFP 7.0.0+ before starting the upgrade process.
  • Linux customers should ensure they upgrade to MariaDB 10.5 and PHP 7.4, and then apply CMS 21.0.0 and XFP 8.0.0 patches.
  • Windows customers should upgrade to Windows Server 2019, SQL Server 2019 and PHP 7.4, and then apply CMS 21.0.0 and XFP 8.0.0 patches.
  • Many customers already use SMTP to deliver emails from their Jadu CMS and XFP system. If you do not currently use SMTP, you should plan to move to SMTP in line with these updates.

## FAQs

PHP update

Why do I have to upgrade the PHP version?

PHP is the programming language used by Jadu products. Periodically new versions of PHP are released, which offer new features and other enhancements. Over time, support for older versions of PHP are dropped.

The version of PHP installed on the majority of our customers’ environments is PHP 7.2. As PHP 7.2 is no longer receiving security updates, we strongly recommend updating. Details on support for PHP versions is available on their website.

When can I upgrade to PHP 7.4?

Support for PHP 7.4 has been released in CMS 21.0.0, and XFP 8.0.0. Self hosted customers will be able to start the PHP upgrade process from that point. Jadu hosted customers will be contacted when their system is due to be upgraded.

Can I run multiple versions of PHP concurrently?

No, we require that only one version of PHP is run on your supported environments.

Who pays for the support for PHP 7.4 updates?

Required supportCoverage/payment
Upgrading your server to PHP 7 +Covered within your hosting and platform management agreement with Jadu, if you have one.
Changes in CMS softwareCovered by your support agreement.
Changes in XFP softwareCovered by your support agreement.
Changes in your front end templatesNot covered.
Changes in custom developments provided by JaduCovered if you have a separate support agreement for this software.
Changes in customer developments created by youNot covered.

Standardisation on SMTP

Who does this affect?

Customers using Windows will have been advised to use SMTP when their system was originally installed and we therefore do not expect them to be affected by this change, but please do your own due diligence.

Jadu hosted customers are not required to make any changes, Jadu will make these changes as part of our hosted service.

Self-hosted Linux platform customers will be required to make the required changes prior to Jadu CMS 22.0.0 being applied to their system.

What action is required?

If you are currently sending email via mail transport in Jadu CMS or Jadu XFP, you will need to move to an SMTP service before Jadu CMS 22.0.0 or later updates are applied to your system.

Jadu CMS has included SMTP support for many years, and as such, you should be free to complete any required change prior to the patch.

Will there be any disruption to my service?

There should be no disruption to your service. Jadu CMS has supported SMTP for some time, and so the required changes can be made any time before your patch with Jadu CMS 22.0.0.