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Role Permissions Matrix

These are the default permissions by role for the general system permissions:

TypePermissionSys AdminAdministratorAdvisorStaffThird PartyCitizen
GeneralAllow assignment of Groups to a CaseYesYesYesYes
GeneralAllow imports to be triggeredYes
GeneralCreate case filter with public visibilityYesYes
GeneralCreate case filter with user group visibilityYesYesYesYes
GeneralCreate case filter with user type visibilityYesYesYes
GeneralImport case dataYesYes
GeneralImport person dataYes
GeneralLink a user account to a person recordYesYesYes
GeneralManage all organisationsYesYesYes
GeneralManage peopleYesYesYes
GeneralShow case create buttonYesYesYesYes
GeneralShow New Person button on dashboardYesYesYesYes
GeneralView all casesYesYesYes
GeneralView all cases in groupYesYesYesYesYes
GeneralView all organisationsYesYesYesYes
GeneralView all PeopleYesYesYesYes

These are the default permissions by role for the system setting permissions:

TypePermissionSys AdminAdministratorAdvisorStaffThird PartyCitizen
SettingsAdd new service API Keys for all usersYesYes
SettingsAdd new Service APIsYesYes
SettingsAdd person notesYes
SettingsAssign user privilege levelYes
SettingsDelete service API Keys for all usersYes
SettingsDelete Service APIsYes
SettingsDisable usersYesYesYes
SettingsEdit existing Service APIsYesYes
SettingsInvite all usersYesYesYesYes
SettingsInvite all users into the current user's groupYesYesYesYesYes
SettingsManage account email settingsYes
SettingsManage account iconsYesYes
SettingsManage all Case Type GroupsYesYes
SettingsManage all user groupsYesYes
SettingsManage all user rolesYes
SettingsManage all usersYesYes
SettingsManage branding settingsYesYes
SettingsManage case dates definitionsYesYes
SettingsManage case fieldsYesYes
SettingsManage case formsYesYes
SettingsManage case statusesYesYes
SettingsManage case table columnsYesYes
SettingsManage case transitionsYesYes
SettingsManage email templatesYesYes
SettingsManage integration settingsYesYes
SettingsManage letter templatesYesYes
SettingsManage rulesYesYes
SettingsManage servicesYesYes
SettingsManage the membership of a caseYesYesYesYes
SettingsManage user registration settingsYesYes
SettingsManage user typesYes
SettingsManage users in the current user's groupYesYes
SettingsManage webhooksYesYes
SettingsSet note as person alertYes
SettingsView all service APIsYesYes
SettingsView all Users in the applicationYesYes
SettingsView all Users in the current user's groupsYesYesYes
SettingsView all Users of the same type as the current usersYesYesYesYes
SettingsView person notesYes
SettingsView service API Keys for all usersYesYes

These are the default permissions by role for case and reporting permissions:

TypePermissionSys AdminAdministratorAdvisorStaffThird PartyCitizen
CaseAdd attachmentsYesYesYesYesYes
CaseAdd case commentsYesYesYesYesYes
CaseAdd case notesYesYesYesYesYes
CaseAdd library attachmentsYesYesYes
CaseAllow assignment of self to casesYesYesYesYesYes
CaseAllow submission of case forms for transitionssYesYesYesYesYesYes
CaseApprove attachmentsYesYesYesYes
CaseAssign all users within typeYesYesYes
CaseAssign users within groupYesYesYesYes
CaseChange case statusYesYesYesYesYesYes
CaseCreate a caseYesYesYesYesYes
CaseDelete all attachmentsYes
CaseDelete attachmentsYesYesYesYes
CaseEdit attachmentsYesYesYesYes
CaseEdit case valuesYesYesYesYesYes
CaseExport cases to csvYesYesYesYesYes
CaseSend messagesYesYesYesYesYesYes
CaseSet case alert noteYesYesYesYesYes
CaseView all cases for Services that the current user can accessYesYesYesYes
CaseView case history detailsYesYesYesYesYes
CaseView case lettersYesYesYesYes
CaseView case notesYesYesYesYesYes
CaseView eventsYes
CaseView external case referencesYesYesYes
CaseView message listYesYesYesYesYes
CaseView reportsYesYesYes