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Licensed users

Jadu Connect's licensing defines two types of users.

  • Licensed, who can:
    • Create and amend new services, workflow rules & notifications
    • Create or amend customer records
    • Access reporting and KPI information
    • Manage integrations
    • Manage account settings
  • Free
    • Create, edit or update a case
    • Create a customer account/record and amend their own personal details via registration with MyAccount

At a high level, licensed users have access to a broader set of features and permissions compared to free users. The page serves as the comprehensive documentation for understanding the detailed breakdown of what is available in each user tier.

Detailed list

FeatureFree userLicensed user
Allow assignment of Groups to a Case✅️
Allow imports to be triggered
Create case filter with public visibility
Create case filter with user group visibility
Create case filter with user type visibility
Import case data
Show case create button
View all cases
View all cases in group
View all organisations
Delete personal data
Import person data
Link or invite a user account for a person
Manage all organisations
Manage people
Manage person notes
Set note as person alert
Show New Person button on dashboard
Unlink a user account or revoke an invitation from a person record
View all People
View person notes
Manage the membership of a case
Activate user accounts
Add new service API Keys for all users
Add new Service APIs
Assign user privilege level
Delete service API Keys for all users
Delete Service APIs
Disable users
Edit existing Service APIs
Invite all users
Invite all users into the current user's group
Manage account email settings
Manage account icons
Manage all Case Type Groups
Manage all user groups
Manage all user roles
Manage all users
Manage branding settings
Manage case dates definitions
Manage case fields
Manage case forms
Manage case ribbon elements
Manage case statuses
Manage case table columns
Manage case transitions
Manage email templates
Manage integration settings
Manage letter templates
Manage OAuth clients
Manage rules
Manage services
Manage user registration settings
Manage user types
Manage users in the current user's group
Manage webhooks
View all service APIs
View all Users in the application
View all Users in the current user's group
View all Users of the same type as the current user
View service API Keys for all users
Add attachments
Allow assignment of self to cases
Allow submission of case forms for transitions
Assign all users within type
Assign users within group
Change case status
Create a case
Delete all attachments
Delete attachments
Edit attachments
Edit case values
Export cases to csv
Manage case notes
Send messages
Set case alert note
View all cases for Services that the current user can access
View case history details
View case letters
View case notes
View details of who is able to see each entry on the case timeline
View external case references
View message list
View reports