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Person detail placeholders

The following placeholders may be used to embed person details within case form external redirects when used on a create form that has a Person field.

The person's reference

{{ person.reference }}

The person's full name

{{ person.fullName }}

The person's title

{{ person.title }}

The person's first name

{{ person.forename }}

The person's middle name(s)

{{ person.middleNames }}

The person's last name

{{ person.surname }}

The person's email address

{{ }}

The person's primary telephone number

{{ person.telephonePrimary }}

The person's secondary telephone number

{{ person.telephoneSecondary }}

The person's primary address in full

{{ person.primaryAddress.summary }}

The UPRN of the person's primary address

{{ person.primaryAddress.uprn }}

The post code of the person's primary address

{{ person.primaryAddress.postCode }}