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Letter template placeholders

The following placeholders if present in the template will be replaced with values from the case for which the letter is generated.

Basic case details

${}The current date in the format 22nd October 2014
${case.reference}The case reference
${case.status.title}The title of the current status the case has (e.g. Open, Closed, etc)
${case.completedAt}The date and time the case was completed.
${case.updatedAt}The date and time the case was last updated.
${case.createdAt}The date and time the case was created.
${case.values.<field_name>}The value of the given field name for the case.
${case.values.<choice_field_name>.label}The label for the selected choice
${case.values.<choice_field_name>.value}The value of the selected choice
${case.values.<multi_choice_field_name>}Show a comma separated list of selected choice labels
${case.values.<multi_choice_field_name>[<choice_name>]}Shows the label of the specified selected choice
${case.values.date_field}The value of the date in the format 7th April 2016. Can be combined with the "date" format modifier (see below).
${case.dates.case_date_name}The value of the date in the format 7th April 2016.Can be combined with the "date" format modifier (see below).

Address linked to the case

${case.addressRelationships[0].address.summary}The first address linked to the case, output on a single line. Can be combined with the ‘split’ format modifier.
${case.addressRelationships[0].address.postCode}The postcode of the first address linked to the case.

Person linked to the case

${case.personRelationships[0].person.fullName}The full name of the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0].person.title}The title of the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0].person.forename}The first name of the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0].person.middleNames}The middle names of the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0].person.surname}The surname of the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0].person.telephonePrimary}The primary telephone number of the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0].person.telephoneSecondary}The secondary telephone number of the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0]}The email address of the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0]}The email address of the user account for the first Person linked to a case.
${case.personRelationships[0].person.primaryAddress.summary}The primary address of the first Person linked to a case, output on a single line. Can be combined with the "split" format modifier.
${case.personRelationships[0].person.addresses[].summary}All of the addresses held for the first Person linked to a case. Placeholder needs to be within a table cell and will result in a new table row being output for each address.

Format modifiers

Format modifiers can be used to alter the output of some of the placeholders.

date: The value of the date in the format specified (e.g. 2016-04-07). Any valid PHP date format string is supported. Will only work for dates.


split: Splits text over multiple lines. A line break is added when a comma is encountered. Useful for splitting an address over multiple lines.


// line break is added when a the specified character (x in this example) is encountered