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6 posts tagged with "xfp"

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· 2 min read
James Jacobs

Installing a cookie consent banner has become mandatory for websites in many regions due to evolving privacy laws. However, with so many options out there, it can be tough to select one that truly delivers an accessible user experience.

Many cookie banners unfortunately miss the mark when it comes to accessibility for those relying on assistive devices. But designing an inclusive site means considering how consent managers integrate with screen readers and other technology used by visitors.

After evaluating numerous solutions, we've had consistently good results using Free Cookie Consent from FreePrivacyPolicy.

However, to help achieve accessibility, we recommend selecting "Headline dialog" for your banner style. This should make the banner display at the top of the page statically (will scroll with page content and not positioned over other content).

When you select "Simple dialog", the banner will be displayed at the bottom right of the page, and overlaps other elements. This can result in WCAG 2.4.11 "Focus Not Obscured (minimum)" AA failures, when a user keyboard tabs through the page and focuses an element behind the cookie banner.

If you have already copied a snippet from the site, this can also be achieved by changing the notice_banner_type option in the code snippet from simple to headline.

· 10 min read
Sarah Backhouse

Jadu has merged our Jadu CMS, Jadu XFP and Jadu Content Portal products into a single product, Jadu Central.

What is the name of the merged product?

The merged product will be referred to as Jadu Central, and will contain all functionality of Jadu CMS, Jadu XFP and Jadu Content Portal.

Why is the merge happening?

We are merging Jadu CMS and Jadu XFP, as the vast majority of our customers already have both of these products, and reconsidering our distribution methods will allow us to make patch and installation processes smoother and snag-free.

Jadu Content Portal is built upon the Jadu CMS and Jadu XFP platform. As a result, the merger will again make maintenance and future development of the product a smoother experience for customers and partners.

When is the merge going to take place?

Q4 2022 and it will be available via a patch release which we will plan with you.

What are the main user interface changes in Jadu Central?

  • The text size has been increased in a number of places, especially buttons and labels, improving readability and clarity
  • Interactive controls like form fields and buttons are physically larger, they're easier to see and their target areas are larger to meet current accessibility guidelines
  • Links are more obvious and strongly defined, with higher contrast against regular text, and a consistent stronger underline
  • Content landmark areas are now more clearly defined, visually, through the use of colour and contrast, but also defined with code using semantically appropriate section elements, the position of the main headings has also been changed to improve navigation with assistive technology and allow anyone who relies upon headings to navigate around a given page to be able to find what they're looking for
  • Breadcrumbs have been tweaked to make them more useful, and those are now consistent across the software
  • Homepage widgets can now be quick-searched, handy if you have a long list of custom widgets and you know you want to find the 'map' ones
  • Some help text and labelling have been improved here and there, like when deleting a document, the option now clearly explains the scope of the action you're about to take instead of just 'delete'
  • Modals are generally larger, given more space to breathe,
  • The sign-in experiences — which differed between CXM compared to CMS and XFP have now been brought closer together visually, and you're still able to change the main colours in Jadu Connect to reflect your organisation's branding - they’ve also been prepared so that we can add additional authentication options such as SAML integration to the login screen
  • We've been able to strip out a lot of older styles which catered for browsers which we no longer officially support, some components have been completely rewritten in the background to take advantage of newer design capabilities in CSS, we can do some things like more reliable responsive layouts with much less code these days, you might not see any visible differences, but fewer lines of code and fewer supported browsers makes it easier for us to test and release changes, which is a big win
  • Textarea elements with character limits have a new accessible character counter, which also warns when you're getting close to the limit
  • Date pickers have been replaced with a more accessible calendar
  • Tooltips, which display additional information when you interact with an element, are now compatible with screen readers and other assistive technology, and also now work with touchscreen devices which don't have a 'hover' interaction.


Who will be the product manager for the merged products?

All products are managed in the same way by the product management team.

What will the roadmap for the combined products be?

The roadmaps for Jadu CMS and Jadu XFP will also be merged, to incorporate milestones from each. This includes previously communicated work such as the retirement of the old form builder.

Licenses, costs and pricing

Will there be a change to GCloud listings?

Yes - Jadu Central will be listed initially with two components Content/Website( formerly CMS) and Forms (formerly XFP).

Which option do I need to choose on GCloud when it comes to renewal?

  • If you currently have both Jadu CMS and Jadu XFP, Jadu Central
  • If you currently only have Jadu CMS, Jadu Central Content only
  • If you currently only have Jadu XFP, Jadu Central Forms only

Will there be a change to my support costs?

The merge of the products will not affect support costs if you have both Central Content and Central Forms. If you have just the Central Content, you can continue to pay support for this, however the Forms features set will be available in your Control Centre but not implemented.

If you wish to use Forms going forward there are two costs:

  • Implementation of Forms Templates
  • Annual support for the Forms product

Will my contract renewal cost change as a result of the merge?

The merge of the products will not affect current contract renewal prices for the support and software elements, however a small increase (between 1% and 3.5%) has been introduced in relation to the software subscription pricing to reflect rising hosting costs which we have had to pass on to our customers.

What impact will this have on my Jadu product perpetual licence?

This will have no impact on your Jadu product perpetual licences. Licences for Jadu CMS and Jadu XFP will continue to be honoured for Jadu Central.

Will my hosting change?

There will be no changes to your hosting environments.

Does this mean I will automatically get Forms included? What if I don’t want to use it as I have an existing forms product?

Jadu Central will be distributed with both Content and Forms components. Customers who do not currently have Jadu XFP will be able to access Jadu Central Forms management pages within the Control Center but will not be able to deploy forms.

If you wish to use Forms going forward there are two costs:

  • Implementation of Forms Templates
  • Annual support for the Forms product

No additional website template changes, or implementation professional services will be included in the roll out of Jadu Central. As a result, if your Jadu CMS website was implemented without Jadu XFP, your website will not be set up to be able to publish Jadu Central forms. Jadu can provide a quote for implementation and annual support if you decide to enable Central Forms.

Business continuity

Will the same people who support the current products support and maintain the merged product?

Yes, the teams supporting Jadu Central will be the same teams who currently support Jadu CMS, Jadu XFP and Jadu Content Portal.

Will Jadu continue to support Jadu CMS, Jadu XFP and Jadu Content Portal as separate products?

Jadu CMS, Jadu XFP and Jadu Content Portal will be replaced by Jadu Central. You will no longer be able to purchase the products as separate entities.

All existing customers of Jadu CMS, Jadu XFP and Jadu Content Portal will see the branding of their system change to Jadu Central following the application of their next software patch.

Will my existing forms still be available?

Yes, there will be no changes to forms published using Jadu XFP.

Will my cases in CXM disappear?

The merge of Jadu CMS, Jadu XFP and Jadu Content Portal will have no effect on Jadu Connect, formerly Jadu CXM.


I paid for training in my support tier, will updated training be added or will I have to pay more?

Training videos will be updated to reflect the new branding, as will our user manuals. The underlying functionality of our products will not be affected by the merge, and there should be no need to retrain as a result.

Features and functionality

Will I now be able to publish Jadu XFP forms on my website?

See above - this depends on your current support and licence arrangements.

Will there be any new features and functionality added?

New features and functionality will not be added as a direct result of the product merge. However we will continue to deliver our product roadmaps.

Will I be able to use the Perceptive ImageNow / Perceptive Content integration?

The Perceptive ImageNow / Perceptive Content integration is a premium integration, and a separate licence will be required to use this where not already implemented.

Will my existing integrations still be available?

All existing integrations will continue to be available, and will be unaffected by the merge.

Will I be able to use the Hyland OnBase integration?

The Hyland OnBase integration is a premium integration, and a separate licence will be required to use this where not already implemented.

Will Jadu XFP forms be available on Galaxies websites?

Jadu XFP forms will not be available on Galaxies websites as a result of the merge.

What changes will happen to my data if I previously used XForms standard?

Jadu XForms standard was retired due to the increased requirements of GDPR, and removed from Jadu CMS in version 20.0.0. Data from Jadu Xforms standard was removed at this point, and will not be affected by changes when the products are merged to form Jadu Central.

What will be the change to my Jadu CMS?

Existing customers of Jadu CMS will see the product name, user interface colour scheme, and associated imagery change.

What will change when I install Jadu Central compared to Jadu CMS, Jadu XFP, Jadu Content Portal?

When Jadu Central is installed, it is anticipated that this will be a one step process that will not require separate actions to enable Jadu XFP or Jadu Content Portal.

As a result we expect that customers and partners will have a much improved experience when installing our products.

Partner impact

How will the change affect partners and resellers?

Partners and resellers will be expected to update their sales and promotion materials to reflect our new product brand, and reflect the change to a single product.

How will the change benefit partners?

Partners will benefit from a simpler patch and distribution process, which will be streamlined by the product merge.

Customer impact

How will the change benefit customers?

Customers will benefit from a simpler patch and distribution process, which will be streamlined by the product merge.

Will releases still be as frequent?

There are no changes to the frequency of our release as a result of the product merge.

Jadu Connect Forms

Does that mean XFP will be replaced by Connect Forms?

While Jadu Connect forms is in the early stages of development, we do not plan for Jadu Central forms (formerly Jadu XFP) to be replaced by Jadu Connect forms.

Jadu Central forms is an enterprise level, on premises form product with a focus on extensibility and deep integration with back office systems.

Jadu Connect forms will be a SaaS solution, aimed at creating lightweight forms to support case workflow and offline working.

Am I going to have to undertake a migration from XFP to Connect Forms? If so, will that be automated or manual?

We do not at this point anticipate customers migrating forms between the two products, as they are not envisioned to be like for like in their functionality.

· One min read
Andy Green

We announced in 2018 that we would support the Classic Form Builder until at least the end of December 2020.

However, we understand that online forms are a key aspect of your service delivery, particularly at the moment. Therefore, we will continue to support the Classic Form Builder until the 1st January 2022, providing you with another year of extra time to upgrade and migrate your forms over to the Modern Form Builder.

Why make the move?

  • Forms are much easier to create, using the drag and drop functionality
  • Create simple or complex in-page branching logic to guide your users to the right place
  • The powerful rules engine enables you to automate actions, saving you time
  • Comply to the WCAG 2.1. Accessibility Guidelines with accessibility built into the forms
  • 70% of our customers are using the Modern Form Builder. We saw a big increase in the use of the Jadu Library during the pandemic in particular. Customers were able to adopt forms with a few clicks including Business Grant Forms, Volunteer Forms etc during the pandemic.
  • New features are only released into the Modern Jadu XFP Form Builder, including our latest accessibility updates.

· 3 min read
Andy Green

As of version 80, Google Chrome has changed how it handles cookies without a SameSite flag in the cookie header. Previously the behaviour was to allow cookies on all domains when SameSite was not set. The new behaviour is to only process the cookie when SameSite=None and the Secure flag is set.

This will cause an issue anywhere a session (or other) cookie is loaded in a browser window where the domain in the address bar does not match the source of the cookie. The main example of this within the Jadu platform is where an XFP form is embedded onto another website. The form relies on the session cookie, but this originates from the domain of the embedded form (e.g. and not the site the form is being displayed on (e.g. XFP detects this and displays a “technical error” message.

Further information is available in the Chromium blog

Instructions for rollout on Linux systems

  1. Create a new file in <install_path>/config/apache/custom.d/same-site-cookie.conf (path may differ depending on installation location - e.g. /etc/httpd/conf/)

  2. Content of the file should be:

<ifmodule mod_headers.c>
Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ "$1; HttpOnly;SameSite=None; Secure"
  1. Restart apache

This will change the main site to always set the SameSite=None and Secure flags on all cookies.

The change cannot reliably be applied only to XFP embedded forms as:

  1. In Photon implementations, all requests are handled by the same app.php file and so the embedded forms URL cannot be distinguished at the Apache level
  2. The cookie may be initially set on another page - we would need to confirm the behaviour of the browser if a page then attempts to set a different SameSite value on an existing cookie

Instruction for rollout on Windows systems

  1. Edit the public_html/Web.config to include:
<rule name="Add Samesite cookies" >
<match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set-Cookie" pattern="^(.*)(PHPSESSID)(=.*)$" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="{R:0}; SameSite=None" />
  1. Restart IIS

This will change the main site to always set the SameSite=None. This will not affect the cookies set by Galaxies sites.


FAQ: I’ve refreshed the page, but I’m still experiencing the problem :(

If you visited the page before the change was applied, you may already have a session cookie set. You will need to clear this cookie before the change will take effect. Instructions on how to do this for Google Chrome are available here - Other browsers will require cookies are managed using their respective settings pages.

FAQ: “Use my current location” does not work on a with Google Map control of an embedded form

Enabling 'Force_Secure' in constants should resolve this.

FAQ: I can see an error in my console:

A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at was set without the SameSite attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with SameSite=None and Secure. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at and

This message relates to Google functionality, not Jadu XFP or CMS.

· 4 min read
Sarah Backhouse

As announced at the Jadu Academy in Birmingham, there are a few changes that we’ll be introducing throughout the course of 2019, as part of our ongoing commitment to our supported customers in keeping your Jadu software current, compliant and secure.

The Critical Need To's

  1. Adhere with changes required by WCAG 2.1
  2. Drop support for legacy IE browser versions
  3. Use a newer Symfony PHP framework version
  4. Move to CentOS 7 (for managed & self-managed Linux customers)

Some of these will require you to ensure that any custom developments that you or your teams may have developed can remain operational following these changes coming into effect.

Adherence with WCAG 2.1 & Control Center UX

It’s a busy time in the CMS and XFP teams. The introduction of EN 301 549 ‘Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services’ brings with it a requirement to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA.

We’re taking this as a timely opportunity to reassess all our user interfaces to ensure that they are modern, consistent and compliant.

The final list of changes has yet to be finalised but it will include some degree of change to our interface CSS and mark up.

If you have created any custom Control Centre interfaces you should plan to review these for alignment with the WCAG 2.1 principles and also compatibility with our updated interface library.


There are a number of useful tools that we have reviewed such as AXE Pro that can assist in this effort.

Dropping support for legacy IE browser versions

Microsoft dropped support for their browser, Internet Explorer (IE), versions 8, 9 and 10 some time ago. We’ve allowed a long grace period for our customers to follow this lead, however, the time has now come to officially withdraw support these browser versions. This will allow us to upgrade key javascript libraries (e.g. jQuery from version 1.12.4 to 3.x while also removing the previously utilised scriptaculous/prototype libraries) within our user interface framework to ensure that we maintain a secure and modern user interface for you.

Any custom Control Centre interfaces that may have been added to your systems therefore will need to be checked for any incompatible usage with the updated library.

Moving to a later Symfony PHP framework version

The PHP framework Symfony is used by Jadu software, however, the community that manage this project have announced an end of life date for security fixes on the version we utilise (2.8) to be November 2019. We are currently in the process of moving over to support Symfony version 3.4 in the software, which will keep us using a supported version from the community until November 2021 or whenever we decide to move to a later version iteration, whichever comes first!

Any custom developments that have been built by your team to utilise Symfony directly will therefore need to be checked for any incompatible usage with the switch to version 3.4.

Moving to CentOS 7

We’ve held off implementing PHP 7.x specific features until now. However, with the advent of XFP version 6.x and above, we need to utilise features that only PHP 7.x provides.

Support for PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2 was added during June 2018. The PHP community has announced an End of Life date for PHP 7.1 of December 2019. We recommend customers move to PHP 7.2 ahead of the end of life date to ensure that you are able to receive security updates beyond then.

For Linux hosted customers, PHP 7.2 does require you to be running on the CentOS 7 operating system, where previously we have supported implementations on CentOS 6.

We’ll provide further guidance on each of these important changes in coming months, so do please lookout for these.

· 15 min read
Andy Green


How can I get the new form builder?

The new form builder was released in Continuum XFP #75 on the 13th March 2018 as part of the fortnightly release package issued by the XFP team. In order to use the new form builder you will need to request a patch of your site via Jadu Support for this version or above on or after 13th March 2018.

If Jadu/Creative deploy patches for you, the patch will be scheduled in with the deployment team via the usual deployment process. If you patch yourself, a package will be provided to you.

Once Continuum XFP #75 or above has been deployed to your site, Jadu will need to update your sites configuration to enable the new form builder before it becomes available to use (is disabled for existing customers by default).

When can I get it from / what release number?

The new form builder was released in Continuum XFP #75 (semantic version 4.0.0).

What are the system requirements for the new form builder?

There are no new system requirements introduced for the new form builder, your existing infrastructure and configurations (assuming that you have XFP already installed) should be sufficient. Some installations of PHP do not have the FileInfo module installed, you can check if you have this module installed or not by logging into your control centre and changing the url to jadu/maintenance/phpinfo.php and searching for FileInfo. If you do not have this PHP module installed you will need to install it.

We do however recommend that you install OPcache if it’s not already installed.

I have the latest patch but I can’t see the new form builder, why not?

The new form builder is not enabled by default, Jadu will need to enable the new form builder in your site configuration before it is accessible. This is to allow a phased approach for roll out across all of Jadu’s XFP customers. If you would like to have the new form builder enabled please let us know via Jadu Support where we will advise on the steps required to enable the new form builder for you and any costs associated.

Will I / Creative need to implement new templates for me?

You won’t need a full re-implementation of templates, but the new form builder templates will need to be developed and implemented which can be done through our professional services team.

Will forms built in the new form builder look the same as they do now?

Forms built in the new form builder will use Jadu’s Photon templating engine, so they will look broadly similar, but you can expect some minor differences, as all implementations have historically been handcrafted, so it’s important that you test your implementation once updated to check that you understand how things now display and behave.

Can we implement it just in UAT first to have a play / test / train?

Yes absolutely, the new form builder is disabled by default and can be turned on in UAT and remain off in production until you are ready to use it on your production site.

Can I implement the new form builder upon our local environment myself?

Yes, if you would like to do this then just get in contact with us and we can discuss how you would go about doing this.

Are there different templates for each of the form builder interfaces?

Yes, the legacy form templates have not been changed for the new form builder. The new form builder uses the Jadu Photon templating engine to render the form user interface.


Will you be providing training?

Jadu recommend face to face training to go over the new features in form builder, this can be arranged at £1000 per day plus VAT and expenses (maximum 8 delegates per day).

The user manual has also been updated and is available online at and provides a good source of information on the new form builder.

What supporting materials will be provided?

The user manual has been updated and covers all of the new features. We’ll also be providing training videos that cover all the functionality of the new form builder.

Will the way we approach custom developments internally need to change?

Yes, we’ve tried to make developing custom form components and actions easier for developers. There is now a new framework for plugging into the new form builder. The rules engine and components are no longer based within the database, giving you more flexibility and making these easily shareable.

Developer documentation is available on request.

Are there new developer extensions that I can do in the new that I couldn’t do in the old?

Yes, it’s now possible to build your own form components. In the legacy form builder, developers could build custom Integrated Components but the markup generated by these components wasn’t customisable and relied on the from builder to join the elements together. Now in the new form builder, developers can design their own components controlling all aspects of the component down to the HTML markup that is used to display the component.

It’s also now possible to add your own form variables to the standard set as a new extension capability.

Existing customers

Is there any cost for the new form builder?

There is no cost for the new form builder, as part of Continuum XFP you will get the new form builder when you update your site to our latest release version as part of your existing support contract.

There will be a professional services cost to provide additional styling specific to your templates for the new form elements that do not exist in the legacy form builder.

There may also be a separate cost in changing any existing custom developments that you may have to be suitable for the new form builder. The cost for updating the custom developments will need to be quoted on a case by case basis.

Can I opt out of the new form builder?

No it is not possible to opt out of the new form builder.

Jadu will only be supporting the legacy form builder until at least the end of 2020. No new features, apart from those required for GDPR compliance, will be developed for the legacy form builder and only security issues will be fixed in the legacy form builder after March 2018.

We hope that you will want to use the new form builder, if you have any concerns please speak to us about those.

When do I have to migrate my old forms by?

The legacy form builder will remain supported within XFP until at least the 31st December 2020. You should have all your forms that are in the legacy form builder migrated into the new form builder before that date.

Jadu have updated the reporting tools in XFP to provide a report for how many forms you have and in which version of the form builder they exists so as to help you plan the migration of your forms.

Will the old ‘Classic’ forms continue to function?

Existing forms will continue to function until XFP 11.0.0 is released and patched to your environment. XFP 11.0.0 is expected Spring 2022 will be the version from which the classic form builder and classic forms will be removed from the product. Until we ship XFP 11.0.0, we will continue to review and consider issues raised concerning the classic form builder through the interim period, on a case-by-case basis. We are likely to limit the resolution of issues to P1 and P2 issues

What help will Jadu provide to migrate my old forms?

Jadu will not be providing a migration tool to assist in migration of forms.

Due to the differences between legacy forms and new forms to perform a complete like for like migration. For example the Table component in the legacy form builder has been replaced by the Matrix page element and repeatable question types in the new form builder and you may wish to review how these differ in your own form designs.

Jadu will be on hand to offer advice for migrating your forms and using the new features to streamline your existing forms.

Can I use my old forms and new forms simultaneously?

Yes, the new form builder is installed alongside the legacy form builder and uses a separate code base and front end scripts. Your old forms will continue to function as they have before the new form builder release.

I have existing custom developments will they still work?

The nature of the custom developments mean it’s hard to be certain but we’ve tried to keep as much backward compatibility as possible.

  • Integrated Components: All custom Integrated components will be available in the new form builder under the ‘Integrated’ page element.
  • Form actions: Form actions will need to be updated to support the new form builder template and rules engine. Advice for developers will be provided for updating custom actions to support the new form builder.
  • Predefined calculations: Custom predefined calculations will be available under the Logic tab within the new forms builder.
  • Front end scripts: Any front end changes that you have applied will not be compatible with the new form builder. The new form builder uses Photon templating, to re-apply any front end script changes you will need to extend the templates.

Advice on how to do that can be provided on request.

How long will you support the old form builder for?

The legacy form builder will remain usable within core XFP until at least 31st December 2020, after which it will be removed from the core product.

From April 2018 no new features, apart from those required for GDPR compliance, will be developed for the legacy form builder and only security issues will be fixed.

I have outstanding support tickets relating to the old form builder, will they be fixed?

We do not anticipate resolving any further issues apart from those that relate to the security or integrity of your data. If your issue is a security issue then this will be prioritised and fixed as per any other security issue. No new features (apart from those required for GDPR compliance) will be developed for the legacy form builder after March 2018.

If your issue is not reproducible in the new form builder, then you should consider taking this opportunity to revisit your form within the new form builder instead.

I have PayBridge, will my payments work with new forms?

Yes payments are supported in the new form builder and can be used on both legacy and new forms.

Will my form URLs need to change in the new form builder?

Legacy forms will continue to be served from /forms/form/{id}/{lang}/{title} urls.

Forms built in the new form builder will be served from /xfp/form/{id} urls.

I have made changes to my front end scripts, how do I re-apply these changes?

Any front end changes that you have made will not be compatible with the new form builder. The new form builder uses Photon templating, to re-apply any front end script changes you will need to extend the templates. Advice on how to do that can be provided on request.

I have custom developments in progress, do I need to pay for these to be changed to the new form builder?

Possibly, we would advise you to check your quote to see if allowance for the new form builder version has specified. If your quote specifically states the form builder version that the integration will be developed for there maybe an additional cost to update the integration to support the new form builder.

What will happen once I build new forms, then turn off the new form builder? Will my new forms disappear?

No the form definitions will remain in the database until the new form builder is turned back on.

When I migrate old forms to the new forms builder, what will happen to existing submitted form data?

The submitted form data will remain accessible via the legacy form builder until data retention policies remove the data. Tools such as Data Export can continue to be used to export the data as required.


I used to use this feature, why isn’t it in the new form builder?

Some features have been retired in the new form builder, in the majority of cases there is now a better, easier way to perform the same function. For example you’ll notice that there is no longer a Table component. This has been replaced by two page elements; a matrix page element that displays a structured table and repeatable questions, that provide a more mobile friendly way of populating tabular data.

The new form builder does not include the password component or PHP calculations. These have been retired for security reasons.

If you used to use a feature that you can’t find anymore or just not sure if an alternative exists within the new form builder, then please do get in touch with us to discuss.

When is feature X coming to the new form builder?

If the feature was part of the legacy form builder, for example embedded forms, these features will be added to the new form builder over the coming releases and well before the legacy form builder is removed at the end of 2020.

To see what we have coming up and what features we are working on, take a look at the XFP roadmap. If the feature isn’t there yet, raise a feature request so that we can consider it.

What are the benefits of the new form builder?

Have a look at the form builder feature comparison matrix that we’ve put together.

What can I do now that I couldn’t do before?

Have a look at the form builder feature comparison matrix that we’ve put together for you.

Is there a feature comparison matrix so I can see what features differ between the form builders?

Yes, it can be viewed here.

There used to be workflow on received forms, where has that gone?

Received form data workflow has not been added into the new form builder. We found that many customers did not use the workflow in received forms and would often request that forms be marked as ‘Completed - Approved’ immediately on submission. The decision was made to not add this in to the new version therefore. If you have received data workflow needs then we suggest that you look at the Jadu CXM service that allows you to build and manage cases through a fully configurable workflow.

I currently have integrations configured, will these still work with the new form builder?

All core integrations via the IntegrationsHub such as Bartec Collective, Office 365, SinglePoint address lookup etc… are enabled in the new form builder and you do not need to make changes to the current integration.

Some form actions (Perceptive content and AssureSign electronic signature) have not been enabled in the new form builder just yet, but when they are, there will not be a need to update the integration settings.

Are the forms still accessible?

Yes forms are still accessible.

Do the features of the new form builder help me to be GDPR compliant?

Not initially, GDPR features will however be introduced during April 2018.

Are the forms still mobile responsive designed?

Yes they are.

Can I use images in my form for choice options (e.g. recycling boxes/coloured bins)?

No we don’t have a page element for that at the moment, this feature is on the XFP roadmap and will be added in a future XFP release.

Page elements are now much easier to develop and this could be achieved via a custom development if you so wished.

Can I now create multiple pdfs from a form now?

Yes, this is now possible in the new form builder.

If I change a page template does it now update all forms where that template has been used?

Yes. Pages can now be used on one or more forms, if you edit a page that is shared with more than one form you (or a higher level administrator) will be asked to approve the changes before they are reflected on the forms that use that page.

And of course if you later decide to revert the change, you can rollback to the previous version of that page.


Are the forms available in the Jadu Library compatible with the new form builder?

Some forms on the library will not be compatible with the new form builder, but they can still be downloaded and imported into the legacy form builder.

Forms compatible with the new form builder will end in a .zip extension whereas forms compatible with the legacy form builder will end with .tar extension. XFP’s import page will detect the type of file and use the appropriate import routine to import the form.

What security testing have you done?

Jadu uses Checkmarx to perform static code analysis of the Continuum code base, configured for OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. Code analysis takes place before every release and issues discovered are resolved before the release goes ahead.

Do you need Photon for the new front-end templates?

No, although forms built with the new form builder will use Photon behind the scenes to render the front end view, you do not need a Photon implementation to use the new forms.