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Content pack retirement

· 3 min read
Sarah Backhouse

From Jadu CMS version 20.0.0, we’re retiring the Content Pack feature. Unfortunately, this functionality is no longer compatible with how we deploy changes to our software as we strive to improve quality in our releases.

In the following FAQs, we answer some important questions. If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

## I’m not sure if I use Content Packs, what are they?

A site deployed using the Jadu Galaxies Module can be saved as a Content Pack. When saved, this creates a dataset containing the site navigation structure and / or content that can then be imported into another Galaxies site when it is created.

Why is Jadu retiring Content Packs?

The content packs feature was created prior to the introduction of continuous releases within our platform. Occasionally, our releases include database changes to support new features or fix bugs. These database changes are made by database migrations that change the schema, or data, for each site on the system.

Unfortunately, the changes made by database migrations aren’t compatible with sites that have been saved as Content Packs and when a site is made using a Content Pack (point in time representations of the database schema), features can be broken or work unexpectedly, and patches to your environments can fail as a result.

There’s no easy way to prevent this from happening using the current Content Pack technology, so we’re retiring the current implementation.

When will the retirement of Content Packs take place?

The changes will be made when Jadu CMS 20.0.0 or later is applied to your system. The changes will apply to both Photon and Classic Jadu CMS implementations.

How will my Galaxies sites be affected by this change?

You will experience no changes to your existing live Galaxies sites - all content on the current site will remain available. In future, when creating a new Galaxies site, the Con- tent Pack feature will no longer be available and you won’t be able to select a Content Pack to use when creating a new site. All other features will be unaffected.

What will happen to my Content Pack data?

Any content packs that you have previously created will remain on your system untouched. Your data will not be deleted when Jadu CMS 20.0.0 or later is applied to your system.

Will a replacement for Content Packs be available?

We are currently focused on addressing changes required for security and regulatory compliance across our platform. Therefore, due to high priorities, a date hasn’t been confirmed for a Content Pack replacement.

If you have any feedback regarding using this feature, concerns of its retirement or have ideas around how you could use a fea- ture similar to this moving forward, please get in touch.