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Confirm by Pitney Bowes

Jadu partner with Pitney Bowes, an asset management solution to offer real-time communications between local authorities and citizens.

This is the first time 2-way integration has been used with the Pitney Bowes Confirm® product. The aim of the integration is to cut out the manual work and automate services. This enables citizens to be kept in the loop in real-time when reporting the likes of potholes, or highway issues.

Using ‘reporting a pothole’ as an example, here are 3 simple steps to the process:

  • The citizen fills in an online form (i.e. report a pothole)
  • This information automatically raises a case in Jadu Connect and also raises a case in the PB Confirm® system
  • Once the pothole has been fixed, PB Confirm® case status then changes. This then updates the Jadu Connect case which notifies the citizen of the new status

Please watch a short video on the integration: